Wednesday, July 20, 2016

To give is to sacrifice selfishness possession and obsession.
A part of yourself to help another. Without personal gain, national fame or about giving yourself a name.
But giving is self-less not selfish
Picture a world that's empty of giving, that's void of love, our backs turned to those who need a helping hand.
Generosity that's become animosity - strong hostility.

But like a tree that gives a piece of itself. A seed that falls to the ground provides life and shelter to those it's around.
you give hope, a smile, respect, a shoulder to cry on, encouragement.
To give is to love.
Take this piece of myself; what I give is not for me but the change that I see is worth more then what I gave.
When we each give - together we make something greater from the difference.
And isn't it the difference we want to see in the world?
Aroha mai aroha atu.
When love is given, love is returned.