Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I don't know what it's like and I can't feel your fight.
Isn't pain just the normal fact of reality.
So many kids who couldn't understand why.
It’s become normality to have an outcry from inside.

Relationships broken
That father who was never there.
An innocence taken
Abused and neglected.

It's a shameful world we've been dealt to deal with.
The past, the pain and what many are feeling left scars inside deeper then
What I can see on the outside
There is so much brokenness in all that surrounds me that it scares me to face the sadness and bear the truth.
Hopelessness is all I hear, like a deafening echo it fills the corridors and where I stand.
Though in fact I'd rather hear it, then not feel it at all.
You tell me your life, your journey and I can't hold back the tears, if only they could wash away your fears and dim what's hiding the light inside.
Darkness takes over and doesn't it fill the void that we can feel and isn't it too late to heal?
We numb the pain by what lasts a short time, but who we are is supposed to last a lifetime
Wise words say guard your heart, because from it is the wellspring of life, but what if that wellspring's gone dry?
Because I can see your feeling pretty empty

Like a flower ready to blossom, yet the ground is rugged and rough. It's been filled but left unfulfilled.
I can see you've let your heart become your misconception and missed that God's love brings redemption.
He died and rose again, like a symbol to what has died in us or the things that need to die. He gave up his life to bring us new life because no one loves us better the one who felt the pain. Arms open wide, tears streaming down his eyes he looked out from where He hung and said “father forgive them, they know not what they’ve done”

What we can't bear, he bore for us and every tear he saw and his heart ached.
On that cross I believe it wasn’t His pain He felt but the pain of the people.
But yet we are still blinded to see the truth and your love which is sometimes so hard to believe,
Why would he want me and why would He say... I’m worth it?
But He sees your worth even when you don’t see it.
He created everything you are and every part of you is a part of Him.
Nobody understands it better the one who knows you
and there’s something He wants to show you
Hear my voice He says, 
I Am faithful
I Am love
I Am your friend
I Am the Lord

Follow me, because I fight for you