Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Faith Filled Journey

His smile holds so much life and joy in it that it just lights up your world. Caleb is this precious boys name and he has a disability that's called angelman syndrome. So he can't function as well as most kids his age. I babysit him and his younger brother and sister in the afternoons. It is so beautiful to see his eyes light up when he laughs, how he holds your hand and comes to you for a hug and the joy that fills his face when he sees his family. Through watching him you see how special life is! He fills my heart with love and I know that even though things will be harder for him when he's older and even now, that it's worth it, so worth it! He get's the chance to live life and enjoy these precious moments. His strength and determination that he has is so strong and I know this boy has more determination then I probably ever will!

Caleb has made me realize that each of us have our own disability in some sense. Something that can hold us back from where we want to be or the person we could become. 

It can, but it doesn't mean that it will!

You can overcome whatever holds you back. For me one of the many things I struggle with at the moment is believing in myself! Knowing that God has called me to something but feeling unable to fulfill it. When you read his word it shows us that God is our strength and where we are weak, he always gives us the strength we need, to keep trusting in Him that He will work it out in His timing.

"Trust in me with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind" Prov 3:5-6 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. 

Whatever hardship you are facing, whatever disability may be holding you back or making things harder, know that you are not in it alone. David didn't overcome that giant by himself, he cried out to God and God gave David the strength to face his giant. Through Christ all the things are possible, God doesn't send us into this battle on our own and he never gives us more then he knows that we are capable of overcoming.

So why is life so hard? Why does God allow us to go through struggles like this?

I've been reading through the book of Job with a good friend, it's such a great book to read! Job is a man who went through heart ache and so much pain because God allowed Satan to test him. Satan asserted that true believers are only faithful as long as they prosper. He thought that Job would turn his back on God because of the struggles he went through. But through it all Job turned to God and continued to glorify him! 
How often when life get's tough do we complain about our issues to God? I know at times I often do. Job realized in the end that he didn't need to know everything or the answers to why this was happening, but to just trust in who God is.

Trust in who He is.

Trust in His promises.

Through Him we are Conquerors!

Real life is full of uncertainty, of meaningless suffering and so many questions! Faith in God is sometimes so hard, but it is just that - faith.

Romans 8:36

“For your sake we face death all day long;
 we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;  his love endures forever. Psalm 107

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